
Perfect Garage Doors - Electronic Roulette for Millimeter Precision

Because we want to build reliable and resistant doors, with a high quality, we are using, in the MCA factory, advanced technologies and innovative solutions. One example of this kind is the insertion of the electronic roulette in the production circuit of sectional garage doors.

More exactly, it has the role of measuring rapidly, with a millimeter precision, the dimensions of the sandwich panels to be cut, so they end up having exactly the same dimensions.

The electric roulette’s utility is irreplaceable if we consider the great volume of products being manufactured daily in a factory of this kind.

The perfect identical dimensions of the panels ensure that the doors slide easily on the sliding rails, offering a pleasant experience for the users and a long life span for the product.

There can be sectioned at the same time up to six sandwich panels, which represent an additional guarantee that the future door will have perfectly equal panels.

MCA sectional garage doors are built from sandwich panels, galvanized sheets and polyurethane foam. All MCA panels have a 40 mm thickness, which ensures an efficient thermical isolation.

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